Dear Younger Me,
I expect you to deeply disagree with most of what you'll find here. In fact, that’s the point.
There was a time when people were called crazy for proposing the Earth revolved around the sun. Over time, that idea progressed from inconceivable, to heretical to common knowledge. There was also a time when it was commonplace to have zero moral hesitations about owning another human being as a slave. That idea progressed from normal to questionable to unthinkable. Times change and so do ways of thinking.
These letters are my attempt to tackle some unhelpful assumptions you grew up with. Assumptions that were so deeply embedded you considered them common sense. Really, they were taught, just as they were taught to your parents and so on going back for many generations.
History may prove me right, wrong, or somewhere in between. After-all, I’m not saying any of this is universally true; I am saying it’s true for me today and that’s what matters to me most. This is simply one person’s experience that arose from seeking out people and ideas that challenged his way of thinking.
James Allen wrote, “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” I’m seeking to shift my thoughts so that the way I think helps rather than hinders who I want to be, how I want to live, and how I want to feel.